
Quebec Bill n°430: Prevention is Key

Quebec Bill n°430: Prevention is Key

“Prevention is better than cure” is a well-known proverb that is applicable in many facets of business. In the transport industry—with the provincial government cracking down on delinquent drivers as well as operators of heavy vehicles—this proverb not only helps keep roads safe but also keeps your business profitable by assuring on-time deliveries every time while saving you from the tremendous fines and penalties the law has in store for drivers and operators at fault.

Quebec Bill 430 is the act of respecting owners and operators of heavy vehicles that have many angles, and because it is such a complicated bill with many amendments, many drivers and owners/operators are not aware of all its implications. As a result, they end up paying heavy fines and penalties.

What you may know about Bill 430 is that it was introduced in the year 2000 and affects every facet of the transport industry that is involved in owning and operating a vehicle that has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 4,500 kg or more. Additionally, the law and its amendments affect not only the driver’s conduct and record keeping, but also the mechanical maintenance of their vehicles. Here are two recent additions to this law that you may not be aware of.

Circle Check

Since November 20th 2016, drivers must make sure that a circle check was completed within the previous 24 hours before the heavy vehicle goes on the road. This is not a mechanical inspection; it is a visual check to make sure all critical components, such as lights, mirrors, mudguards, and others are in working condition. Nineteen elements must be checked in total. What is most important to know is that not only the checks must be done rigorously but also the records must be kept for 6 months, and any maintenance done in relation to the checks must be kept for 12 months.  

Mandatory Mechanical Maintenance

Twice a year, owners must have their heavy vehicles undergo mechanical maintenance to ensure their safety, and that does not include the yearly mechanical inspection conducted by the SAAQ. In order to monitor the mechanical condition of their heavy vehicles, owners must set up a mechanical inspection plan and make any requisite corrections in order to avoid potential mechanical defects.

Moreover, these inspections must be recorded on maintenance sheets and those must be kept in the vehicle record for the period covering the last 2 years during which the vehicle was in use, and they must be kept for 12 months after disposing of the vehicle.

In the end, the key to success in complying with this particular law—as well as operating a successful transport operation—is prevention.

Thanks to extensive training by transport compliance expert Joël Durocher, we, at Canvec, have been trained to not only master every facet of Bill 430, but also to conduct all related maintenance, repairs, and record keeping so you don’t have to. For example, Canvec offers a circle check service for your fleet. Executed by a professional it will be properly recorded to save you time and hassles, every time.

Moreover, we can execute all related maintenance and bi-annual inspections to ensure your business stays ahead of the game. Well-kept records of your heavy vehicles not only keep your owner/operator record clean but also save you money and provide a better work environment for your drivers!

To learn more, contact us!